New England Otolaryngological Society
Winter Education Program
Women in Otolaryngology
Friday, December 3, 2021
Virtual on-line platform
The program will involve synchronous (live) and asynchronous (on demand) content, with the live portion running from 1:00-4:00pm on Friday, December 3, 2021. All presentations including resident presentations will be pre-recorded and will be available to view at your own leisure beginning on November 29
Program Description:
This program will be dedicated entirely to women in Otolaryngology. We will focus on diseases that disproportionately affect our patients who are women, but we will also spend the day in candid dialogue about what it means to be a woman surgeon. Guest speakers will provide us with an opportunity for introspection as we examine our own implicit biases, and participants will reach a greater understanding of how each of our day to day experiences as otolaryngologists may differ from the experiences of those who trained us.
Program Objectives:
- After attending this activity, participants should have a better understanding of the history and legacy of women in surgery and in otolaryngology
- Participants should gain a better understanding of their own implicit biases and learn to recognize potential harmful words or behavior such as microagressions
- Learners will also be able to better identify potential areas for improvement in the care of otolaryngology patients who are women