Resident Research Award
The purpose of the NEOS research award is to encourage residents to pursue research and to learn how to apply for grants awarded in a competition. The NEOS research award is intended to support a resident initiated research project that should be complete within 1-2 years from grant award. It is not intended to support multi-center research projects or provide partial funding for a larger research project.
Eligibility: Any resident of an accredited otolaryngology-head and neck surgery training program in New England or Albany, NY is eligible to apply for the Resident Research Grant. Recipients of NEOS Resident Research Awards are expected to complete their research project prior to graduation from their residency. Recipients will make a 10-minute presentation summarizing the outcomes of the research at the April NEOS meeting in the year following the award.
Below are the grant application instructions. Information should be presented in narrative form corresponding to each section. The completed submission should be submitted as a single-spaced document (Arial font minimum 11pt., minimum margins 0.5 in).
Outline the background and importance of the research and define specific aims of the research project.
This section should include significance and innovation, preliminary data (not required), methods and materials and any needed statistical or power analyses related to the research plan needed for completion of the specific aims. A time frame for completion of the research should be included.
Enumerate the anticipated costs separated into personnel/consultants, supplies, equipment, and animal costs necessary to complete the proposal. If costs are supported by funds other than the NEOS grant, state which costs will be supported.
It is the expectation of the NEOS Research Grant Committee that a manuscript summarizing the research will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, and the resident is first author, the resident will receive an additional award. NEOS should be recognized on any presentation or publication as supporting the research.